Current Event #1 - "Never Again"
In February of 2018 in Parkland, Florida there was a school shooting. It impacted many of kids and influenced others to take action. Alex Wind, a seventeen-year-old junior, was crammed in a closet with sixty other students. He didn’t think he was going to survive. He texted his mom what he thought would be his last goodbye: “I think theres a shooter on campus… I love you guys.” Fortunately, he survived. He started to protest and tell his story along with Emma González, another survivor.
The Parkland Shooting really got people to take action and protest for more gun control. Even though the shooting was in Florida high schools in D.C. started to take action and host rallies outside of the Whitehouse. Students everywhere started walkouts and protests because of the school shooting. I think that this action is great. These high school students have gone through a shooting with some of their friends being victims of the situation. This exact situation could happen to anyone. Protesting is the right thing to do, and they’re trying to prove a point. That point is we don’t have enough gun control, and they want to push gun control so things like school shootings don’t happen. This event makes me, and probably other students, feel inspired to do something. In the article “Never Again” someone says this, “‘There's something about seeing people your age standing up and making speeches and fighting for change that makes you feel like you can do it too’”. This event has impacted many, and what should happen is gun laws should be changed. We should be protected and we want to make sure a school shooting can’t happen so easily.
I think it was a 4. you did vary good. An surer my comment is so short