Current Event #8 - Ferry Fee Costs Leave Townspeople Disappointed

Islesboro a town on an island is three miles away from the mainland. They have to pay for a ferry round trip to leave. Most residents are having a problem with the increase of the ferry price. The change in price went up last May but since then some are really struggling because of it. Maggy Willcox, the publisher for the Islesboro Island News, wants to see her granddaughter but for a round trip, it costs her $30. She can only manage one trip a week. Every time she leaves the island she has to add $30 to whatever she's doing. Many people that live there have spoken out to the Maine Department of Transportation.

I think that the Maine Department of Transportation should’ve taken this matter into consideration before they actually did anything. They should’ve thought about the people who don’t have access to the mainland by car or walking. With the ferry prices up some people can’t leave the island very often. It's disappointing when people can't leave to do the things that they need to do or in Maggy Willcox’s case, she struggles to see her granddaughter. Could you imagine only being able to see family once a week because of the cost? Hanging out with family is important and valuable, and not being able to see them because of the cost is pretty sad. I hope that in the future the Maine Department of Transportation can fix and won't be a problem for others.


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