Current Event #18 - Maine Becomes First State to Ban Styrofoam

        Single-use polystyrene food and drink containers have been banned in Maine, making it the first state to ban styrofoam. The bill was signed by Gov. Janet Mills, it will be enforced by 2021. Oregon, Vermont, and Connecticut are considering the single-use containers state wide. Some states have similar bans like New York and California have a ban on plastic bags. Companies like McDonalds and Dunkin’ Donuts have started to eliminate the styrofoam cups from their retail locations. The European Union has agreed to ban some single-use plastic containers like polystyrene, they hope to help the marine pollution.
       I believe it’s great that Maine signed this bill. Saving the environment is very important because we have this world and that’s all we have. I don’t think many people realize how big of a movement this is. First Maine is the first of the states to ban polystyrene single-use containers, second its one step closer to getting rid of human waste. Styrofoam is not biodegradable meaning it does not decompose. Styrofoam will just lay around for years for animals to ingest or for it to be put into the ocean. If we can’t get rid of it, why have it?


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